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The Psychotherapy Foundation promotes, supports, and delivers targeted and focused projects that further the development of evidence based psychotherapy within the aims of the Foundation

Knowledgeable User Project Evidence Review Projects Protocol and Manual Project Service Design Project Research Development Project PRN Projects New and Targeted Projects

The Knowledgeable User Project

The Foundation is developing a new and innovative approach to the ‘Knowledgeable User Project’, designed to help and empower users in their interactions with therapists and service providers.

Evidence Review Projects

The Foundation is building capacity to undertake, publish, and promote systematic reviews of the latest and most up to date research evidence about effective psychotherapeutic treatments.

Service Design Project

The Foundation is commissioning work to demonstrate results from the Evidence Review Projects as Service Design Models. This Service Design Project will make these Service Design Models available to commissioners and providers as good practice templates.

Research Development Project

The Foundation is working with other organisations to support and develop research to further an understanding of evidence based treatments in psychotherapy and psychological therapies. We also promote and deliver research to further the objectives of the Foundation.

Practice Research Networks Project

The Foundation is supporting the development and function of Practice Research Networks (PRNs). The aim of this project is to enable infrastructures for clinically based research that will contribute to an understanding about effective treatments and their implementation.

New and Targeted Projects

The Foundation is continuing its identification and development of new and targeted projects. Consultation and interaction with users, commissioners and providers always has capacity to generate new and important areas of work.

Treatment Protocol and Treatment Manual Development Project

The Foundation is supporting the development of evidence based treatment protocols and treatment manuals which are essential in delivering proper and effective treatments.