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Effectiveness > Outcome Measures

One of the most important innovations in psychological therapies has been session-by-session outcome monitoring, which is in place in new services. This body of data gives us formidable evidence on how these therapies help a person’s recovery. We need to make sure that the extremely strong case for investing in therapies now to save costs to acute care, social care and other public services is heard and understood. Be in no doubt. The momentum and the political will is there. This is a deep commitment for me, and for the Government.

Paul Burstow MP

Minister of State for Care Services (UK)

Department of Health (DH) (2011) Talking therapies: A four year plan of action. London: Department of Health.

Effectiveness Evidence Based Practice Outcome Measures Expected Standards

The Routine Use of Outcome Measures Leads to More Effective Treatments

Haas et al (2002) Do early responders to psychotherapy maintain treatment gains. Journal of Clinical Psychology 58,9,1157-1172.

Whipple et al (2003) Improving the effects of psychotherapy: The use of early identification of treatment failure and problem solving strategies in routine practice. Journal of Counseling Psychology 30,1,59-68.

Lambert (2005) Early response in psychotherapy: Further evidence for the importance of common factors rather than ‘placebo effects’. Journal of Clinical Psychology 61,7,855-869.

Lambert (2007) Presidential address: What we have learned from a decade of research aimed at improving psychotherapy outcome in routine care. Psychotherapy Research 17,1,1-14.

The  Psychotherapy Foundation is committed to use of clinical outcome measures which are now widely recognised as an essential component in delivering and assuring effective treatments.

How can our clients pick the most effective therapist? They can’t. There is no industry standard for tracking and reporting psychotherapy outcomes. This won’t last. Regulators and consumers are going to demand public accounting of treatment effectiveness. If I have the right to ask my surgeon for their success rate, then why can’t my clients ask for mine?

(Tony Rousmaniere 2011)

Routine outcome measures enable:

Routine outcome measures can be used: